Making the decision to stop smoking can happen for many different reasons. There may be a medical reason, where a medical professional has advised it would be in your best interest to stop. There may be a personal reason, such as a loved one has become ill and you’ve had a rethink about your health and wellbeing. Children can be a big factor in making the decision to quit, there may be a child on the way or your children may be asking you to stop for them! Or you may just have become fed up with smelling of smoke, tasting nicotine and wanting to have some. extra cash in your pocket - rather than watching your hard-earned money going up in smoke!
Read MoreLoss and grief are normal and something which every one of us will experience at points throughout our lives. Whether we are grieving for a parent, sibling, child or friend, or grieving the loss of a beloved pet, the loss we are feeling will be completely individual to us and the way we react to it will be unique to us alone in many ways.
Read MoreAnxiety describes the way people become overwhelmed by fears - future based fears. It is well described in Counselling for Anxiety Problems as being like ‘a sudden visitor who has a habit of calling unexpectedly and penetrating into every nook and cranny of my house all at once - and who wont take any hints to leave.’ Anxiety affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and behaviourally.
Read MoreRelationships issues is a wide ranging subject. People can struggle with relationships whether it be with friends, work colleagues, partners or family members, due to a number of different factors.
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